Tired of rss feeds crowding a board of your forums. This add on gives you the option to select for feeds to post in the same thread each time instead of creating a new one for each entry.
This add on creates two phrases (for use in the admin panel when registering a feed), one -admin- template modification (to add the checkbox on the admin panel page), and a few code listeners. This has only been tested on XenForo 1.2.0 and up.
If you choose to have a feed post in the same thread, you should make sure you assign a template title for the feed and you cannot use the variables that are generally available (as the thread is created before the entries are gathered). You can still obviously use the variables in the content (as you actually have to for your posts to matter).
New checkbox for indicating if the entries should be included in the same thread as the rest. Unchecked means each entry gets a new thread (default XenForo method).
Live demo of thread view: http://xenmods.com/threads/rss-feed-same-thread.172/
A purchase is valid for one installation. People with subscriptions to http://xenmods.com beta group get this product free ($5 discount on a $5 product).
This add on creates two phrases (for use in the admin panel when registering a feed), one -admin- template modification (to add the checkbox on the admin panel page), and a few code listeners. This has only been tested on XenForo 1.2.0 and up.
If you choose to have a feed post in the same thread, you should make sure you assign a template title for the feed and you cannot use the variables that are generally available (as the thread is created before the entries are gathered). You can still obviously use the variables in the content (as you actually have to for your posts to matter).
Live demo of thread view: http://xenmods.com/threads/rss-feed-same-thread.172/
A purchase is valid for one installation. People with subscriptions to http://xenmods.com beta group get this product free ($5 discount on a $5 product).