- No more SPAM
- No more BrutForce attacks
- No more bots on your website.
We made a plugin that stops any SPAM software. The Graphic Captcha protects your login page, user registration page, lost password page, add comment page from SPAMers attacks.
Its really easy for human and complicated for bots.
- Easy installation
- Prevents password brute force attack on login page.
- Prevents automatic new user registration on your website.
- Block spam software. Does not allow automatically posts comments on your website.
- Different levels of the security.
- Free support.
Click Here for more details.
When you buy our plugin you get one month free Website protection service from siteguarding.com
- No more BrutForce attacks
- No more bots on your website.
We made a plugin that stops any SPAM software. The Graphic Captcha protects your login page, user registration page, lost password page, add comment page from SPAMers attacks.
- Easy installation
- Prevents password brute force attack on login page.
- Prevents automatic new user registration on your website.
- Block spam software. Does not allow automatically posts comments on your website.
- Different levels of the security.
- Free support.
Click Here for more details.
When you buy our plugin you get one month free Website protection service from siteguarding.com