Earn a consistent revenue stream with ExitLinks!
ExitLinks is a package that creates a traffic-exchange site similar to LinkBucks. Once installed, you can charge advertisers for ad space. Some of that money goes to publishers, whilst keeping a profit margin for yourself.
Top-Frame or Intermission ads
You can convert any url/link to use your domain links. Choose either; Top-Frame ads or Intermission ads to be shown when link is clicked
Create short links
Convert Links to short urls
Manage multiple ad campaigns
Linkbucks clone
Linkbucks clone site
Full ad code support
Create Ads in JavaScript, Adsense, Thexyz Network, HTML or Traditional Image formats
Top frame and full page
Choose either; Top-Frame ads or Intermission ads to be shown when link is clicked
PayPal integration
Request Payments with Paypal and view monies earned history
Full managament
Manage URLs Created by Users
User history
View Clicks History
Set profit margins
Set the amount of revenue you wish to share with your users
Admin area
Manage links within secure admin area
Detailed analytics and statistics
Intermission Ads
Set the amount of time an ad should be displayed for
You can view a demo here: http://demo.scriptdorks.com
ExitLinks is a package that creates a traffic-exchange site similar to LinkBucks. Once installed, you can charge advertisers for ad space. Some of that money goes to publishers, whilst keeping a profit margin for yourself.
Top-Frame or Intermission ads
You can convert any url/link to use your domain links. Choose either; Top-Frame ads or Intermission ads to be shown when link is clicked
Create short links
Convert Links to short urls
Manage multiple ad campaigns
Linkbucks clone
Linkbucks clone site
Full ad code support
Create Ads in JavaScript, Adsense, Thexyz Network, HTML or Traditional Image formats
Top frame and full page
Choose either; Top-Frame ads or Intermission ads to be shown when link is clicked
PayPal integration
Request Payments with Paypal and view monies earned history
Full managament
Manage URLs Created by Users
User history
View Clicks History
Set profit margins
Set the amount of revenue you wish to share with your users
Admin area
Manage links within secure admin area
Detailed analytics and statistics
Intermission Ads
Set the amount of time an ad should be displayed for
You can view a demo here: http://demo.scriptdorks.com