What you Get?
- An Ebook Guide to reduce your PPC cost drastically ideally to about $0.05 or even less
- Reseller Rights to the book
Things Not to Expect:
- Become rich overnight
- Earn 1 million traffic per day
- Become wealthy without any hard work.
This isn’t become millionaire overnight Book!!
If that is what what you want,
I’m Sorry I can’t scam You
Everyone keeps telling they earn thousands of dollars by blogging or owning a website. It is true but with a catch.They don’t tell how!!
Trust me I have been there. Literally no website or blog gets traffic on its own. Organic traffic isn't a thing anymore with over 1.5 billion websites.
Paid traffic is really really quick and tricky! This is not a place you want to try trial and error methods. This is where you need a proper guidance to rule the online marketing world.
You can Post the same ad for $100 and even for as low as $0.001 with similar or HIGHER RESULTS in the SECOND CASE!!!
Yes it's true. The $0.01 ads drive more traffic to your site than $100 ads in almost all the cases!!!!
There are tons of YouTube videos that don't properly guide you how to do this. There are even paid courses that just steal your money and leave you clueless.
This book walks you through each and every technique in Adwords. This is a gift to Budding Entrepreneurs.
I am giving away this book for $ 12. This is the most I can do.
Don't procrastinate and leave this book!
Should you buy this book? It's your choice to make!
Sincere Advice Don't Fall for Online Scammers. Because I have, several times, who say they teach me how to make money online.Bullshit!
Books teach you, People don't.
This is the content Page.
Decision is Yours to Make!!!
For those who don’t know what PPC is
PPC stands for Paid Per Click. It is the amount of money you pay whenever someone clicks your ad.
You can check about it in detail here https://www.wordstream.com/ppc
Feel free to PM me for any queries related to this or any other online marketing tips!!