Here got EVERYTHING you need to know to start from scratchand CREATE and MARKET high-value, highly-lucrative information products! Today's the day you finally learn the step-by-step strategies and tactics you need to quickly package your ideas and information into blockbuster products and programs and market them online. This Online Product Creation Academy will show you how. I guarantee it!"
Read Your 9-Point Program Overview
Read Your 9-Point Program Overview
- YES, please enroll me in the Online Product Creation Training. I understand this comprehensive program is a 6-module deep-dive training on how to CREATE information products and programs, and how to MARKET them strategically and effectively to build an enduring expert/guru brand. You will learn the strategies and tactics for creating and marketing 12 products and programs from scratch via these six modules:
-- Module #1: Create books and special reports
-- Module #2: Create teleseminars and audio programs
-- Module #3: Create webinars and continuity/memberships
-- Module #4: Do speeches and seminars/live events
-- Module #5: Create online courses and dvd home study courses
-- Module #6: Create coaching/consulting and mastermind programs