“SolarMovie.is” is a famous website that caters movie and TV shows streaming. It has a fair platform and can be easily used without any expert skills. The sites main features includes a search box which is beneficial in looking for a specific movie, various tabs that separates the “New Movies”, “Most Popular”, “Latest”, and “Coming Soon”.
Try demo website. You can create new account or use demo account:
Username: demo
Password: demo
Admin Panel Demo
Try admin panel:
URL: http://solamovie.tk/oc-admin/
Login: admin
Password: admin
Demo Movie : http://cpamovie1.ueuo.com
Demo TV Series : http://cpaseries1.ueuo.com
Try demo website. You can create new account or use demo account:
Username: demo
Password: demo
Admin Panel Demo
Try admin panel:
URL: http://solamovie.tk/oc-admin/
Login: admin
Password: admin
- Apache
- PHP version 5.3 or greater
- MySQLi
Demo Movie : http://cpamovie1.ueuo.com
Demo TV Series : http://cpaseries1.ueuo.com