Theme Developer: CodeBard.com
Theme Info Page : Rapier Theme Details
Rapier is an extremely fast, responsive HTML5 Theme for WordPress which offers you infinite styles and customizability.
It's very easy to install and use for normal users, whereas it offers a great array of options, tweaking and customizability for the web professionals and WordPress veterans.
Live Demo with Default Style
Live Demo with Dark Style
Live Demo with Newspaper Style
Live demo with Personal Blog Style
All 4 styles available at launch are accessible and usable for any license owner, and all future styles released for the theme will be available for any valid license holders in future. Theme admin provides easy utility to download and install styles. Moreover, any theme user can modify/create their own styles, leading to infinite variations and customization.
Ultra Fast
Rapier uses minimum resources on your website, allowing your pages to load super, super fast.
It also allows you to optimize and turn Wordpress features on/off, further speeding up your website.
Rapier was benchmarked at webpagetest.org from US East Coast to Europe at 1.5 seconds full page load speed. This is an extremely useful feature today, at a time when average web user expects websites to load in ~2 seconds.
Click here to read the details of Rapier's benchmark
Ultra Responsive
Rapier is designed super responsive – it works on all mobile devices and tablets, old and new.
It doesn’t need specific jQuery or JavaScript to be responsive – its built that way and it uses well tested CSS and HTML to fit into any device!
Infinite Styles
It has infinite styles! You can use any style from our ever-increasing styles at Style Database, or create your own!
And Rapier styles aren’t merely color schemes – when you change styles, your website totally changes!
Rich Features
From HTML5 to CSS3, Rapier uses next gen Web standards and technology, while still maintaining compatibility for old browsers!
Grid System, Ad Slots, Call to Action inserts, Content Box Inserts, Buttons, full width, right/left sidebar or 3 column pages and many more – it has anything you need!
Super Flexible
You can bend, twist, shake Rapier in any way you want!
Rapier allows you to format and style all elements on your website from default Wordpress elements to common or new HTML elements, in every possible way!
Google Fonts
Use any Google Font you want, as much as you want. Use different fonts for different sections without limits.
In Rapier, Google Fonts are loaded from Google’s own CDN, which minimizes the speed impact on your site!
Font Awesome
Use famous FontAwesome fonts library to enrich your pages and posts with modern icons!
Rapier loads FontAwesome from their own CDN, with minimum speed impact for your site.
Animate CSS
You can use the well proven Animate CSS library to add animations to your website elements.
Make items slide in, bounce in, roll out - use any effect available in Animate CSS library!
Custom Sidebars
Use unlimited custom sidebars! Assign specific sidebars to pages, posts and all other post types.
You can even assign a specific sidebar for only one specific post or page, even assign different right and left sidebars in that fashion!
Easily Managed
Very simple to use and manage! Change styles with 2-3 clicks! Save, back up, copy your styles. Download and install new styles with 2 clicks!
If you are an advanced user or a designer, turn Advanced Style Editor on and enjoy extensive customization options!
Totally Compatible
Rapier is totally compatible with the plugins on your website. It is designed not to conflict with any other plugin code, in PHP as well as HTML and CSS.
It uses hooks to allow you to modify how it behaves at code-level, providing for integration with your plugins or services!
Built to WordPress Standards
Rapier follows WordPress coding standards, and uses WordPress native functions, filters and actions.
This makes sure that it will work well with any plugins or modifications you have.
Fully Featured and with Automatic Updates
Easily update your theme and get bugfixes, security fixes, new features without any hassle.
All valid license holders enjoy full features of their theme without any feature having been disabled or omitted.