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Index of contents
Validate a business idea using web positioning?
7 steps to validate your entrepreneurial idea through SEO
1. Create your Business Model Canvas
2. Search what you offer on Google
3. Do a Keyword Research
4. Analyze the competition
5. Launch a minimal viable website
6. Linkbuilding
7. Track the urls
Other actions to validate a business idea
Conclusions on validating an online business idea using SEO
You can hire me to write the artilces regularly on SEO and other topics.
Index of contents
Validate a business idea using web positioning?
7 steps to validate your entrepreneurial idea through SEO
1. Create your Business Model Canvas
2. Search what you offer on Google
3. Do a Keyword Research
4. Analyze the competition
5. Launch a minimal viable website
6. Linkbuilding
7. Track the urls
Other actions to validate a business idea
Conclusions on validating an online business idea using SEO
You can hire me to write the artilces regularly on SEO and other topics.