Article related to ESP32 microcontroller that are programmed under Arduino IDE using Arduino Core (Wiring) that supports also FreeRTOS that is helpful for running multiple non-blocking loops known as tasks.
Also available in the article is a link to the Wokwi simulator, where it is possible to test a solution under FreeRTOS, which enables synchronous flashing of LEDs in 5 tasks. The article also describes various methods of inter-task communication, for example Queue, for which a program implementation is also available in the Water level monitor project.
Also available in the article is a link to the Wokwi simulator, where it is possible to test a solution under FreeRTOS, which enables synchronous flashing of LEDs in 5 tasks. The article also describes various methods of inter-task communication, for example Queue, for which a program implementation is also available in the Water level monitor project.