Credit cards nowadays are ordinary things. And with almost all of the banks offering lucrative deals for their precious “clients”, getting one (or some) is as easy as purchasing movie tickets.
But how do you know if you're choosing the right card? How could you avail good deals on your credit cards? And ultimately how could you enjoy it and not drown in debt? Or if you're already swimming in credit card debt, how could you swim your way out of it?
You've got to have a plan, you've got to know the rules. You've got to master the credit card game!
Check out this book for actionable tips on how you can fully enjoy your card without breaking your bank with high interest debt.
To your freedom! xo Gabriel Martine
P.S. The author aims to donate half of the proceeds to a local Christian church he's supporting. Help us spread the good news!
But how do you know if you're choosing the right card? How could you avail good deals on your credit cards? And ultimately how could you enjoy it and not drown in debt? Or if you're already swimming in credit card debt, how could you swim your way out of it?
You've got to have a plan, you've got to know the rules. You've got to master the credit card game!
Check out this book for actionable tips on how you can fully enjoy your card without breaking your bank with high interest debt.
To your freedom! xo Gabriel Martine
P.S. The author aims to donate half of the proceeds to a local Christian church he's supporting. Help us spread the good news!