Game "Keno" for business, working on pc and big monitor. Possible config sum of win and other. Write me , sk serari55.
How it work and what you need.
You need sell 9 tennis balls or other anything with numbers 1-9:
Then start game to see what number will win
Profit of one round if ball cost is 5$
Winner sum can be from 10$ to 25$.
Profit - 9*5-25=20$
This is only example. Ball cost can be 10 or 20.
I will help for configuration.
Price contractual.
How it work and what you need.
You need sell 9 tennis balls or other anything with numbers 1-9:
Then start game to see what number will win
Profit of one round if ball cost is 5$
Winner sum can be from 10$ to 25$.
Profit - 9*5-25=20$
This is only example. Ball cost can be 10 or 20.
I will help for configuration.
Price contractual.