Free Stock Photos Script - Unsplash Clone - rfStock 2.1

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($27.00 for premium members)

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    rfStock is a premium top-end stand-alone PHP script for creating your own Free Stock Photos Website like Unsplash or Pexels.
    Have visitors come and come again with good quality content being distributed for free. You can display ads or build a big user base to generate revenue and you have support from my side.

    What happens is when a user visits your website, he or she is treated with a minimal design and are told that they can download curated photos in high quality for free.
    They than scroll down and are treated with a beautiful masonry grid layout filled with images.
    They can try to download them and they will be asked to register first.
    Registration comes with E-Mail Confirmation.
    They can follow other users and like images.

    Know More

    To Know more about the script and have an exhaustive feature list and demo, go to the following link.

    Feel free to ask queries or possible customisations.
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