Era Material Age - Premium Blogger Template 1

Purchase this item for $3.00

  • Era Material Age is a material design and fast loading blogger template which is used for Hosting Review, Personal Blog, Technology, Gaming, etc types of blogs and websites. Era Material Age Blogger theme comes with many unique, premium and amazing features that make your more attractive and user friendly. Generally this types of theme called Premium Version but some blogger template designer also launch it’s free version.
    Why Era Material Age Blogger Template?

    Era Material Age blogger template also offers you to do much various features like Material Design and Icons, Night Mode Toggle, Google Translator, RTL Support, Mobile Application like Dashboard and so many others than the other paid blogger templates.

    Now, let’s talk about fonts and icons that are used in the Era Material Age theme. Fonts which is provided by Google Font’s, yes you heard it right and also you can change it according to your needs. Icons that are used in Era Material Age are SVG, Font Awesome, Bootstrap, material, etc. But mainly SVG and Font Awesome’s icon are used in this template.

    Era Material Age Blogger Template Demo

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