Josh Bennett
Deal Aggregator Platform 2.1

Purchase this item for $35.00

  • Deal Aggregator allows you to run your own Deals Site easily. It can automatically add Deals from any XML Feed. With the latest changes handling XML feed is extremely fast and after months of testing and research we have made this extremely advanced application. Deal Aggregator will help you earn more money through Affiliate Marketing. Deal Aggregator has great features that makes it so unique and irresistable.

    We have been working on the new version of Deal Aggregator (Estimated Time Left: ~2 months) where there are numerous bug fixes and new awesome features such as:
    • Blog with Posts, Categories, Comments and Tags (users are most likely to purchase a deal if they feel your site is an active community)
    • Users with different roles: Administrator, Users (can buy deals), and Businesses (can add their own Deals)
    • Allows Local Businesses to add their own deals to your site after being confirmed as a business by administrator so you can have a Deal Site for your local area. Perfect for sales in specific target areas.
    • Compare Deals based on user criteria (price, expiration date, etc)
    • Add UNIX Timestamp Support on XML Feed dates (current support is in MySQL Date format).
    • Visitors will be able to register themselves as users, activate, login and reset their password.
    • Administrator will be able to delete deals with certain criteria (i.e. delete all deals with price $1). Will be available through Advanced Deals Removal.
    • There will be a complete Referal System so users will be motivated to promote your site to other users so they can get a comission. That way you can increase the number of your member list and boost your sales as well!
    • Users and visitors will be able to buy deals from YOUR SITE through PayPal and you will be the boss of yourself without having to pay comission to other deal sites. Money will go straight to your account!
    • You will be able to configure whether Deal Images are shown through the CoralCDN system (to help Deal Site servers have less workload by serving less images). Some deal sites are relatively new and can’t afford expensive Dedicated Servers. It’s no good for you as an Affiliate if other Deal Sites shut down.
    • Administrator will be able to reset his/her password.
    • Fix some sort filters that have issues.
    • Make Newsletter structure even better (ability for every Front-End template to have its own Newsletter Template).
    • A new option will be added in Control Panel where you’ll be able to choose whether HTML output code is compressed (for faster display) or not.
    • Bug fixes in SEO Module and add other modules as well.
    • Find Deals by Postal Code so users type in their Postal Code and find deals that are close to them.
    • Add separate template pages for Deal View, will be more MVC (Model-Viewer-Controller) style.
    • Check for app updates and theme updates and AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION through Admin Panel! Wow!
    • You will be able to see new Deal Aggregator themes from your Admin Panel (whether they are free or paid).
    • Check whether your copy of Deal Aggregator is valid or not (will require License Code).
    • A detailed email will be sent to you every time a Cron Job runs (for all automated tasks) so you have better control of what has happened.
    • Improve even more the Newsletter System for faster sending E-mails through Cron Job.
    • Display Deals in Admin Panel by using AJAX requests (so you won’t have to wait for another page to load).
    • A dropdown list will be added in Admin Panel in Deals View so you can only display deals by certain Category / Location / Status etc.
    • Ability to set date format as you wish! You will also be able to set the timezone to your local one so all dates are displayed correctly.
    • You will be able to set both “Subject” and “From” fields for Newsletter.
    • More Ad-Zones to be added.
    • By specifying certain keywords Deal Aggregator will be able to automatically assign a new deal that is fetch from XML Feeds to certain category / location. For example if a Deal contains the word “beauty” or “spa” you can make it so it will automatically be assigned to “Beauty” category.
    • Add Deal Map support for seperate fields. Some XML Feeds have Map coordinates in seperate XML Tags.
    • Add new PayPal Email option in Admin Panel (the account that money will go to when a new offer is purchased).
    • Load Items by using AJAX request in Admin Panel.
    • Merge Tool: Some XML Feeds contain wrong or mispelled information about Locations or Categories or you can get the same category created in different words. For example the category “beauty” and “spa” could be merged into “Beauty” category since both categories have similar offers. You will use the checkboxes to merge similar Categories and Locations together. Right now to achieve this you have to manually give the same name to each Category / Location.
    • Database Check Tool: will check for missing keys (i.e. if an installation went wrong), health, or server crashed and caused data loss. It will also optimize the database tables if necessary
    • Error Log Tool: will locate and record every single error that has been generated on your application. Also helpful if something doesn’t work as expected you could just check the error log for server errors. Can be used as a DEBUG tool as well to easily identify the nature of the problem.
    • Sales Statistics: You will be able to see stats of your sales so you can keep track of sales every month/date/week. You will also be able to see the Referer Stats (Affiliate Statistics).
    • More informative Emails will be sent by the app when:
      • new installation completes,
      • no offers found (empty site)
      • a new order is made
      • new account is created
      All the above can be configured.
    • Record Errors and False Login Attempts by saving to the database more information such as: IP, Username (if logged in), Date Time, HTTP Referer, Error Message, GET Data, POST Data
    • Ability to choose Email Sending Method:
      • Through SMTP (SSL/TLS)
      • PHP ’s native mail() function
      • sendmail
      • MailChimp
      The above is done by using SwiftMailer, Throttle plugin is also available to avoid hitting the hourly server email limit (if any). Other Email plugins also available.


    • deal-aggregator-preview.png
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