Create Your Own Unlimited PVA Phone Numbers For Craigslist + Get 60 PVA Gmail Accounts-USA Only
I will teach you how to create your own GEO targeted PVA numbers.![[IMG]](proxy/Y5tSdICiTLPv15rSpC4GEjBoUx5E01E7clC2SYt3f6L0sTQYobzlkjp1eZjpb044U1ikvdDVKF%2Be3IvGkMhaIg%2FT33zjig%3D%3D/image.png)
Create as many phone numbers in a day as you wish to. This means you can create as many Craigslist accounts as you wish.
This is not a black hat method.
This method will work for a very long time.
I use this method to post 30 ads a day on Craigslist on 15 different accounts. You can do as many as you can possibly do in a day with no problems.
To be honest this method is priceless.
Additional Charges Outside of Purchase- One Time $14.99
Bonuses for purchase:
For those who purchase will also receive 60 Phone Verified Gmail Accounts with phone numbers provided.
You will also receive my extensive Craigslist video training that will guarantee to prevent being ghosted on Craigslist.
After purchase PM me your email and I will get the bonuses to you.