belgin fish
Coyora Advanced Mp3 Search Engine Script 1.0

Purchase this item for $74.99

  • Presenting Coyora Mp3 search Engine V1.1

    Coyora's mp3 search engine script is the most advanced mp3 search engine script on the market. It offers loads of features.


    The script comes with all the best sources out there, including


    and more being posted on the coyoa forums daily for free!

    Related Youtube Videos
    That's right, on every mp3 details page the script automatically pulls a related youtube video and displays it to the users.

    Free Custom Modifications?
    Want free mods for the script? Just post on the forums and most of the time we'll make them for you!

    Examples of mods currently posted on the forums for free are

    Song Lyrics
    Grabs the lyrics for the song and displays them on the details page

    Embed Songs
    Allows your users to embed the music from your website on their own websites using google's audio player.

    Admin Panel
    • Manage Sources
      • Easily add new sources to your website
      • Activate and Disable sources
      • Limit results per source
      • Run results through server option for each source
    • SEO
      • Change url structure on the fly!
      • Manage text areas of website
      • Limit new this week results
      • Limit footer recent searches
      • Manage page titles
      • Manage meta tags
    • Manage your advertisement codes
    • Auto update recent tags on homepage
    • Ban tags from appearing on website

    And many more features.

    Ioncube must be installed on your server.

    Front End Demo :

    Admin Panel Demo :

    (username / password is admin)

    *Note: We allow you to play with different sources from the admin panel, so if no results are showing someone may have disabled them.

    The price for the script is 74.99$ for 1 license

    Now you may be thinking I just saw another mp3 script for sale for 25$... why would I pay 3 times that?

    Well those scripts are not nearly advanced as Coyora's mp3 script. Their script will probably never be updated, the sources will break and it will die. As a matter of fact the Coyora staff have worked on nearly every other mp3 script available on the market.

    You get what you pay for in the end, by spending the little bit extra you get personal support on the script, updates, free modifications and great sources.

    We really aren't trying to sell a huge number of copies at a ridiculously low price and saturate the market, this is a premium high quality script. We already have many private clients who run our software and have mp3 search engines making hundreds of dollars per day.

    So what are you waiting for? Ready to build a successful mp3 script?

    You can contact us on skype: CoyoraChat

    NOTE: After making your purchase you will receive the download link to a file containing the instructions on how to activate your license!
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