Amazon Automatic Seller FREE 1.0.0

Purchase this item for $29.00

  • Having problems getting sales?

    Amazon Automatic Seller is a faster way to become Millionaire ...

    Amazon Automatic Seller!

    Let's Look at some features..

    1- Find automatically all reviewer/buyers of unlimited products by keywords. For example all reviewer/buyers of every product of the keyword "Internet Marketing"

    2-Collect the Name, Email, Website, % Helpful, Helpful Votes and Profile URL of each Reviewer/Buyers
    3-Export in a txt file the reviewer/buyers organized by Reviewer/Buyers with email included in their profile.
    4-Collects Top reviewers and hall of fame reviewers (PRO)
    5-Remove duplicates (PRO)
    6-Export in text or CSV file the buyers/reviewers organized by User with email address, % helpful in, Votes helpful in (PRO)

    7-Export in a CSV file supported by all email marketing service like aweber,all email provider like yahoo and all email clients (email sender software)(PRO)

    The professional version (PRO) include a lot of advanced features but also is more powerful!

    If you want to grab the professional version please purchase this awesome product, if not you can download and install the free version.

    Awesome right?

    Amazon in the largest online market. There are millions of hungry buyers.

    1-You can start to dominate amazon because you will have a secret weapon. You will have the list of the top reviewer of any keyword.As you know a good review of a top reviewer in the most powerful tool to increase the sales in, you can to send a review copy of the top reviewer and become the most successful marketer in amazon.

    As you know the email marketing is the top way to promote any product/service but is too hard increase the email list with hungry buyers. This is a solution. Amazon Automatic Seller Collect the name,last name and email address of unlimited Reviewer/Buyers of any keyword in Amazon Automatic Seller export the list in the CVS supported in all Email Marketing service or email provider/client. You can send a cool invitation to become your subscribers in exchange for a review copy of your product or a cool free product or service.

    Warning: You are building a targeted list of subscribers impulsive buyers . You can build many lists as you want by niches.

    Conclusion: This product is useful inside and outside Amazon. Also it works for all niches

    Amazon Automatic Seller!

    No mistakes, it right every time! follow the link bellow!

    Free for you today

    To get my best money maker machine called Amazon Automatic Seller follow the link bellow !


    1- This a desktop software
    2-This tool is 100 % free also does not need serialkey
    3-To receive support please contact me at
    4-As this is a protected software (obfuscated) Some anti-virus software, such as AVG, will also alert their users when they land on a site with code obfuscated.
    This software is 100% safe.
    5-The free version never expire

    Download and install
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