Aerobic Exercise Are Better For Losing Weight Than Resistance Training

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  • Exercise is essential for burning fat and calories in order to lose weight. There are different types of exercises and workouts designed especially for weight loss. Exercises are broadly classified into three categories, namely: flexibility exercise, anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise. Flexibility exercise is designed to improve overall range of muscles. Aerobic exercise focuses on endurance training whereas anaerobic exercise focuses on enhancing the muscle strngth. Aerobic exercise consists of activities like cycling, swimming, brisk walking skipping rope, tennis, running and hiking. Anaerobic exercise consists of weight training, agility training, eccentric training, functional training, sprinting, continuous training and resistance training. Many people wonder; which of these exercises will help them to reduce weight optimally.
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    1. Aerobic Exercise Are Better For Losing Weight Than Resistance Training
      Exercise is essential for burning fat and calories in order to lose weight. There are different...