This an the vBulletin 4 -> XenForo 1.1.3 importer that we built to migrate to XenForo.
First things first...
If you are not a programmer, or do not have a GOOD programmer on staff, don't even think about trying to mess with this. It was built strictly with our site in mind and will ABSOLUTELY require customization for it to work for any other site.
Some field mappings in certain tables are specific to our site, some tables are specific to our site, usergroup remapping is specific to our site, etc.
I can't stress this enough. We are happy to answer general questions about it, but we offer no customization/consulting services for this. You absolutely will need a competent programmer to actually modify this to work for you.
With that out of the way, what is this exactly? This is a CLI based importer that will do a vB4 to XF migration incredibly fast by bypassing the data writers and using things like sed piping to transform BBCode on the fly.
This will more or less retain EVERYTHING (down to daily stats from the AdminCP, reported posts are migrated into XenForo's reporting system, etc.), and retains primary keys for everything.
Speed-wise it's very, very fast... we were able to do a migration that consisted of 76,000,000 total records (18,000,000+ posts in less than 1 hour total).
This is free for premium members, and we can offer limited support to premium members (again, we can answer questions like explaining how parts of it work, but you absolutely will need a programmer to make changes, which we do NOT offer).
You are free to sell modified versions of this importer for profit as long as you sell it here (in our digital goods marketplace).
First things first...
If you are not a programmer, or do not have a GOOD programmer on staff, don't even think about trying to mess with this. It was built strictly with our site in mind and will ABSOLUTELY require customization for it to work for any other site.
Some field mappings in certain tables are specific to our site, some tables are specific to our site, usergroup remapping is specific to our site, etc.
I can't stress this enough. We are happy to answer general questions about it, but we offer no customization/consulting services for this. You absolutely will need a competent programmer to actually modify this to work for you.
With that out of the way, what is this exactly? This is a CLI based importer that will do a vB4 to XF migration incredibly fast by bypassing the data writers and using things like sed piping to transform BBCode on the fly.
This will more or less retain EVERYTHING (down to daily stats from the AdminCP, reported posts are migrated into XenForo's reporting system, etc.), and retains primary keys for everything.
Speed-wise it's very, very fast... we were able to do a migration that consisted of 76,000,000 total records (18,000,000+ posts in less than 1 hour total).
- Linux or similar type of server (this will not work on Windows)
- PHP with PCNTL extensions compiled into it
- sed, split, & PERL need to be installed on server (pretty standard for any server)
### Digital Point A.R.F.I. vB4 -> XF Importer ###
1 - Posts
2 - Users
3 - Threads
4 - Private Messages
5 - Avatars
6 - Attachments
7 - Forums
8 - Miscellaneous
9 - Everything
Make Selection [1-9]: 9
exporting posts...
[forking process for posts]
post IPs (18,007,231 records in 537.21s)...
likes (405,330 records in 4.53s)...
post edit history (269,767 records in 40.05s)...
reported posts (184,715 records in 84.92s)...
reported post comments (211,405 records in 61.45s)...
reported profile posts (713 records in 0.17s)...
reported profile post comments (788 records in 0.36s)...
reported private messages (5,962 records in 1.52s)...
reported private message comments (6,825 records in 2.29s)...
Total time for posts: 732.62s
exporting users...
[forking process for users & user authenticate]
user external auth (17,694 records in 2.26s)...
user follow (210,683 records in 0.57s)...
user ignored (10,736 records in 0.20s)...
user notes (30,649 records in 3.17s)...
user options (654,462 records in 5.19s)...
user profile (654,462 records in 65.50s)...
user privacy (654,462 records in 5.97s)...
user warnings (410,608 records in 60.84s)...
user bans (23,963 records in 7.55s)...
warning action triggers (23,963 records in 3.39s)...
user field (187,730 records in 108.30s)...
user registration IPs (654,462 records in 8.03s)...
user account confirmation IPs (213,661 records in 5.93s)...
user change log (464,391 records in 9.22s)...
user change log IPs (337,774 records in 3.78s)...
profile posts (54,412 records in 1.32s)...
profile post IPs (49,840 records in 1.54s)...
user upgrades active (483 records in 0.06s)...
user upgrades expired (1,966 records in 0.04s)...
user upgrades log (7,207 records in 0.59s)...
Total time for users: 293.44s
*** Don't forget to rebuild user cache ***
exporting threads...
[forking process for threads]
watched threads (10,838,001 records in 30.97s)...
thread user post (12,752,077 records in 105.70s)...
polls (240,405 records in 13.68s)...
thread read (261,856 records in 1.67s)...
Total time for threads: 152.02s
*** Don't forget to rebuild poll cache ***
exporting private messages...
[forking process for conversation master]
conversation message (449,871 records in 264.23s)...
conversation recipient (679,335 records in 18.66s)...
conversation user (679,335 records in 13.00s)...
conversation IPs (439,731 records in 7.65s)...
Total time for private messages: 303.66s
performing avatar diff...
1 users with new avatars
Total time for avatars: 14.07s
performing attachment diff...
1 new attachments
updating attachment view count
Total time for attachments: 1.52s
exporting forums...
nodes (147 records in 0.23s)...
forums (140 records in 0.15s)...
link forums (10 records in 0.15s)...
forum read (10,713 records in 0.23s)...
watched forums (3,164 records in 0.15s)...
Total time for forums: 0.90s
exporting micellaneous stuff...
deletion log (996,651 records in 11.44s)...
moderator log (894,108 records in 63.27s)...
daily stats (23,263 records in 99.99s)...
directory categories (11 records in 0.15s)...
directory entries (119 records in 0.13s)...
marketplace (224,965 records in 4.46s)...
marketplace bids (84,538 records in 1.47s)...
marketplace bid IPs (71,961 records in 6.79s)...
marketplace transactions (6,044 records in 0.81s)...
advertising transactions (4,577 records in 0.53s)...
ebook transactions (478 records in 1.33s)...
ebooks (804 records in 0.56s)...
watched items (478 records in 0.14s)...
marketplace licenses (447 records in 0.15s)...
marketplace ratings (68 records in 0.13s)...
marketplace files (804 records in 0.15s)...
marketplace item attachments (804 records in 18.09s)...
marketplace item attachments data (804 records in 0.76s)...
marketplace item file data (804 records in 67.80s)...
Total time for micellaneous stuff: 278.16s
[waiting on process for users & user authenticate] DONE.
[waiting on process for conversation master] DONE.
[waiting on process for threads] DONE.
[waiting on process for posts] DONE.
Grand Total For Everything: 33 minutes, 3 seconds (74,587,823 records)
Code (markup):
This is free for premium members, and we can offer limited support to premium members (again, we can answer questions like explaining how parts of it work, but you absolutely will need a programmer to make changes, which we do NOT offer).
You are free to sell modified versions of this importer for profit as long as you sell it here (in our digital goods marketplace).