Release Notes for 1.1.2

== May 4, 2013 (Theme v1.1.2; Framework 1.5.3) ==

- Fix: (base.css) Fix top margin on first blog postings by adding .blog-post:first-child { margin-top: 0px; }
- Adj: (base.css) Gallery Grid CSS making the thumbs "flush" with the content edges.
- New: (responsive.css) Gallery grid reset for @media < 600.
- New: (bne-plugins.js) js to add class "last" for the last li in each 2/3/4 grid. This allows IE<9 to work and remove the right margin.
- New: (bne-plugins.js) Added @since references
- Fix: (Flexslider.html) changed entry-header class to entry-title for the page title
- Fix: (blog-loop.html & blog-single.html) Changed post title to an h1 tag